I sometimes make PICO-8 games for fun. Here are some of them.
GOAT (Goat On A Tower) | Lexaloffle BBS | GitHub
GOAT is a fast-paced, survival game in which you control a little goat who’s trapped on the top of a haunted tower. You’ll have to charge rocks and trees, dodge dangerous objects and not fall to survive. The goal is to make it to the end and/or get the highest score.
Hidden Shapes | Lexaloffle BBS | GitHub
Hidden Shapes is a puzzle game about finding 2D shapes on 3D objects. It features 18 increasingly challenging puzzles. On each puzzle, the goal shape (2D) is revealed for only 3 seconds. Then, you have to transform (rotate, scale & move) a given 3D object and select the triangles that are part of the solution until they match exactly the goal shape. Whenever you think you get the solution, you can “check” it. The goal is to solve each puzzle in the least number of checks.